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These are some common problems you may encounter when accessing this website. Please read them carefully before sending us any message.

Everytime I download a file, it fails on the way.
Download failures are very painful especially when you have a limited data plan. However, you can reduce or avoid this by using the latest version of browsers in your phone or computer.

I downloaded a file completely but it refuses to install.
This problem is experienced because we have some server or network issues when uploading the file. However, it is a rare case as most of our files are confirmed before sharing it with users. To overcome this problem try downloading the file again. If the problem persists, then contact us using the link at the bottom of this page.

The site is opening an empty page, why?
Some browsers are not compatible with this website. So if you're experiencing this, it is advisable to try using another browser.

You have more questions to ask or simply want to contact us? Please click here to send us a message. We'll certainly reply you back within the shortest possible time.

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